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Tuesday, July 19, 2011 1:53 AM, John Clarke, Museum archivist of the Cape Breton Highlanders of Canada, wrote to us:


Very good…. you must spend a lot of time on these projects, it's great when they come this good !

John   museum


Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:12 AM Hugh Peden wrote to us:


What a fantastic web site you have put together regarding the Canadian Pipe Bands, their Pipe Majors, and the liberation of Holland. I wanted to send a short note and say thanks…and explain why I liked it so much.

   My connection is twofold:

 1)       I grew up in Pine Falls Manitoba and was an early member of the Stirling Pipe Band…the band formed by Pipe Major Bill MacLeod.  He worked, after the war in Pine Falls as an electrician at the same paper mill that my father worked at.   Pine Falls was my boyhood home.  Bill taught me how to pipe and I was a member of the Stirling Pipe Band until I left University in Winnipeg and moved to Toronto.   You may enjoy the following link that talks a bit about the band…I put this together year ago.  Since then, I have spent 17 years in the Vancouver Police Band…10 as Pipe Sgt and two of those as Acting Pipe Major…and have been in the R.C.M.P. E Division Pipe Band for the last 5 years and 3 of those as Pipe Major.

 2)       When I married my first wife, her father and mother were from Holland. Their names were Karl and Truus ten Hoope.   Karl was riding a horse at Dam Square the day of the Liberation Parade.  I always thought it interesting that my father-in-law at the time was in the same spot watching my former Pipe Major (Bill MacLeod).  Karl worked in the purchasing department at a department store but his true love is music.  He studied music in Amsterdam and was a conductor of several choirs here in the Vancouver area.

 My Mom and Dad, as well as myself, were great friends of Bill and his family and have kept in touch with them all my life.   Regrettably two summers ago at aged 94, Bill passed away.  I returned to Pine Falls and delivered the Eulogy at his funeral…which I thought you might also like to read.  Bill never talked much about the war until I toured Holland with the Vancouver Police Pipe Band at the Breda International Tattoo back in 2001.  We played at the cemetery at Bergen Op Zoom and stayed in the Air Force barracks at Woensdrecht.   When I told Bill I had been to both places he told me of a large battle they fought at Woensdrecht and how he piped at the temporary graves at Bergen Op Zoom.

 Small world…indeed.

 Again…thanks for your website and the work in digging up those historical photos of the Canadian Army pipe bands and pipe majors.   I have forwarded your site along to Bill's younger brother Fred and to his daughter and son.   They were all thrilled to see the photos.    Bill's pipes and much of his memorabilia is now with the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada at their museum in Winnipeg. 

 Should you ever get to Vancouver…drop me an email in advance and possibly we could meet up for a discussion and lunch.


 Hugh Peden

Maple Ridge BC Canada.


Friday, March 02, 2012 6:29 PM, Wayne D. Robinson wrote to us:


Very interesting web site. I was a member of the Cameron’s for 7 years, and now a member of the Lincoln and Welland Regiment. I was shocked to learn the Linc. & Welland also had a pipe band during WW1 and on not sure when it disbanded.


Tuesday, May 01, 2012 2:32 AM, Cameron Stevens wrote to us:


I am Pipe Major Cameron Stevens of The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada in Montreal, Quebec.
You have listed a Pipe Major Hannan in one of your photos... This is incorrect. The person in the photo is actually L.Cpl. Keay, who was acting Pipe Major in 1945.
We did have two Pipe Major Hannah's in he Regiment: Robert who was Pipe Major of the 42nd C.E.F. in 1918, and then Pipe Major of the 1st Battalion R.H.C. (home battalion) 1939-1946, and his son William Hannah who was a piper in the 1st Battalion RHC (overseas) 1939 - 1945 and became Pipe Major of the 3rd Battalion in 1951 - 1967.
Hope this helps!
Good work bye the way.


Cameron W Stevens, M.M.M., C.D.
Master Warrant Officer
Pipe Major
The Black Watch (R.H.R.) of Canada
Pipes and Drums

Sent from my iPad


Tuesday, August 07, 2012 7:31 PM, Kathy Spinelli  wrote to us:


Hello:  My name is Kate and Arthur Corstorphine was my uncle.  He  was my father's brother and a pipe major for the Highland Light Infantry of Canada.  He was the first pipe major of the Guelph, Ontario, Canada pipe band.  He went on, after the war, to become pipe major of the Hollywood Pipe band.  I stumbled onto your site while doing some family search work.  Great site!  Thank you.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012 7:38 PM Kathy Spinelli  wrote to us:


Hello:  I just wanted to send a note to say what an absolutely incredible web site you have put together.  Pipe Major Arthur Corstorphine was my uncle and what a wonderful man he was!!  I have many fond memories of he and my father, who served with the Royal Canadian Artillery, and the stories those two could tell!!
Thank you again.
Kate Corstorphine

Tuesday, February 26, 2013 6:42 PM Heather Anderson wrote to us:


Dear John & Yolanda...
I was online researching the 48th Highlanders when I came across your site. I am writing you for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I really want to commend you on the creation and maintenance of your site . I am very impressed at the number of photos that you have been able to acquire along with all the detailed information. I am especially impressed and proud because my Grandfather, Andy Anderson was featured in a number of photos and information on your site.

Over the years I have been gathering information on my grandfather's role in World War 2. My dad - Gordon Anderson (Andy's son) passed away 7 years ago so its been a little more difficult to search out information.
My father was an only child and I am as well but I am trying to do my part to insure that the legacy of my Grandfather's efforts live on. I was hoping to create a web site in his honour once my research is complete.

We do have a variety of interesting photos in our private collection which I would be happy to share with you for your site if you are interested. Again, on behalf of my entire family I thank you for your wonderful site.
It truly was a very proud moment when I found so much information on my Grandfather.

Sincere regards,

Thursday, March 21, 2013 7:23 PM, Roderick Noble  wrote to us:

Subject: News from a Canadian Argyll

Dear John & Yolanda,

Thank you for your wonderful website.  I am the son of Pipe-Major Frank Noble of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada (P.L.).  You are probably aware of the fact that the Argyll Pipes and Drums were involved in a bus accident in November 1948 that killed six that included the Armitt brothers, Earl McKay and my father.  I was an infant of a year old.  I joined the Regiment in 1959 as a piper and am still very involved.

I grew up among some of  the pictures that you show on your site but I'm sending you one that is not seen yet on your site of  the Pipes and Drums in Holland while waiting to come home.

I hope you will post it and I will send you more of the present Pipe Band and their regimental home.


Roderick Noble