The Scots Fusiliers of Canada
Scots Fusiliers of Canada Glengarry Badge
Scots Fusiliers of Canada Cloth Shoulder Title
Scots Fusiliers of Canada (Officer's) Collar badge
Left: The Tartan of the Scots Fusiliers of Canada, No 11 Erskine Tartan Trews were worn by the Pipers
The Scots Fusiliers mobilized the 1st Battalion, The Scots Fusiliers, CASF, for active service on 5 March 1942. It served in Canada in a home defence role as part of Military District No. 2 until the battalion was disbanded on 15 October 1943. Personnel of the Scots Fusiliers of Canada was then transferred into the H.L.I. of Canada as replacements.
The Highland Light Infantry of Canada participated in the D-Day landings, disembarking at Nan sector on Juno Beach on June 6, 1944 with the rest of the 9th Brigade, which consisted of The Highland Light Infantry, the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders, and the North Nova Scotia Highlanders. These regiments were not in the first wave assault, but landed later in the morning and advanced through the lead brigades.