If you want
to try and recognize any of the band, just click on the above
photograph for an *enlarged vieuw.
*For instance,
I have already spotted Archie Dewar who, from VE-Day on,
replaced Andy Anderson (the wartime Pipe Major of the 48th). He
is marching in the second row, have a look for yourself !
The three day
festival started on the 26th. and finished on the 28th. of June,
with as highlight a parade in honour of Prince Bernhard’s
birthday and the parade would also be reviewed by Queen
Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, who can be seen standing on the
Palace's balcony.

Pipe Major Edmund
Esson (now without beard
again), as leading Pipe
Major, brings the Salute for the Massed Pipes & Drums

This is the same
view as used above,for the C.B.H. "Bay News" Newsletter

Now, going round
the corner, also a nice view of the drummers

here to see a clip of this event
Quote from correspondence, received 03-03-1994
from Robert (Bob) MacBeth, who was at that moment 1 of the only
2 surviving pipers of the wartime North Nova Scotia Highlanders
pipe band:
"Memory: This was
not the
Victory Parade (of The Hague), but it
was our last trip as a massed band, it was more or
less an official parade. We did the same in
It was a very proud ending for
the pipers, tears were shed, it was the last time to see many of
them as we were scattered all over Canada."

Leaving Europe . . .

the way home
