
Pipers' Caubeen Badge and Collar Badges of
the Irish Regiment of Canada

Caubeen Badge of Drummers and soldiers of the
I.R. of C
(Credit for photographs of the badges goes to Clifford Weirmeir, with his splendid website about
the Irish
regiment of Canada)

Wartime printed on canvas (Left)
and emboidered (Right) shouldertitles of
the I.R. of C.

This Helmet Flash was worn on the MK II Helmet
Source: www.warrelics.eu

The Regimental History Book of the Irish Regiment of Canada 1939-1945 by
Major Gordon Wood

The Irish Regiment of Canada as they paraded
while still in Toronto, Canada, their famous Regimental Mascot
(shown above here),
called "Captain Kilkenny", a great Irish wolf-hound, died in August
SCOTIA, CANADA (Early 1940’s)

Back Row:
Weir M, Lee M, Elder A, Puddy G, Watson J, Pate G (Pipe
Major), Crossan J, Burke T, MacDonald D, O'Kell W,
Front Row: Weingard A, Bennett J, Brandon G, Craigmill K, Wilson W,
Gallagher T.
As the uniform of this
regiment has some very special features, here follow some more
photographs to illustrate these:

The special regimental Tartan of the I.R. of

World War 2 Kilts and leather sporrans of the
I.R.of C.

A Horsehair Dress Sporran of the I.R. of C.

Also, the pipers of this regiment
(Pipe Major George Pate shown here) played on
TWO- drone Irish style bagpipes (One bass- and ONE tenor-
Gordon Wood
The move to
Great Britain.
In August 1942, the Irish were outfitted
for the Big Move, which occurred on October 28, 1942. At
Halifax, Nova Scotia the delighted men boarded the R.M.S. Queen
Elizabeth [see below for details], and by the 4th-5th
of November were busily
disembarking on the Clyde, at Greenock and Gourock,
Scotland. It was not until a quarter to five in the morning
of the 6th of November that the first
party arrived in Aldershot, Hants.

RMS Queen Elizabeth
Details on the
R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth
Gross Tonnage - 83,673 tons - Dimensions -
300.94 x 36.14m (987.4 x 118.6ft)
Number of funnels - 2 - Number of masts - 2 - Construction -
Propulsion - Quadruple screw - Engines - Single reduction
steam turbines
Service speed - 29 knots - Builder - John Brown & Co Ltd,
Launch date - 27 September 1938
Passenger accommodation - 823 1st class, 662 cabin class,
798 tourist class
In 1942 the Admiralty drew up plans to convert the two
Queens into aircraft carriers but these were later abandoned
as it was considered that their troop carrying role was too
In April 1942 the Queen Elizabeth relocated from Sydney to
New York. Here the troop accommodation was altered to make
its capacity 10,000. In June 1942 it began to make voyages
from New York to Gourock and then to Suez, via Cape Town. In
August it began a shuttle service between New York and
Gourock. Despite the ever present threat of U-boats the ship
continued its service unscathed, although the German press
stated that a U-boat had hit the vessel with a torpedo on 11
November. By the end of the war in Europe the Queens had
brought over a million troops to the war zone. The ship's
next duty was to repatriate these troops and redeploy troops
for the war against Japan. The repatriation of American
troops continued until October 1945 when the Queen Elizabeth
was released from US service and allocated to the
repatriation of Canadian troops. On 6 March 1946 it arrived
back in Southampton and was released from Government service
as the need for troop movements had diminished. During the
war it had carried over 750,000 troops and travelled 500,000
On the eleventh of January 1943, the
Regiment was transferred to the 5 th
Canadian Armoured
Division. Together with the Perth Regiment, and the Cape
Breton Highlanders of Canada, the Irish formed a part of the
Eleventh Cdn. Infantry Brigade (11 C.I.B.) in the Fifth Div.
On the 4 th
of July the Regiment moved
to King’s Lynn for further training, and it was while it was
there that the Irish Regiment of Canada mounted the Royal
Guard on Sandringham House nearby. It was on the 4th
of August 1943, that the
Guard arrived at York Cottage, Sandringham, and were shown
their posts. When the King and Queen arrived the following
day the Guard had been mounted, and for a few minutes Their
Majesties chatted with Pte. S. Moore, who had the good
fortune to be on duty at the time. The memorable day came on
Sunday, the 8th
of August, when the Royal
Family inspected the Guard before going to church.

Taken at Sandringham Castle in
August 1943 during the time the Irish Regiment of Canada
were honoured to guard the Royal Family
Gordon Wood
to Italy -
including quotations mentioning the I.R. of C. pipe band.
On the 23 rd
of October the Regiment
boarded the Grace Line “Monterey” at Liverpool, and by the 4th
of November was passing
Gibraltar. The pleasant passage which had until this time
made life a round of chicken was somewhat disturbed by an
incident which occurred on the evening of the 6th
of November. At about a
quarter after six, just after twilight, German aircraft
attacked the convoy and torpedoed both a Dutch ammunition
ship and the “Santa Elena”, another Grace Line ship,
carrying 14th
General Hospital, and a
reinforcement battalion. The Dutch ship was immediately
destroyed , but the “Elena” managed to stay barely afloat.
The “Monterey”, under Captain Johannsen, moved as close as
possible to the stricken ship, and lowered boats to pick up
survivors. Men of the Irish Regiment of Canada and the Cape
Breton Highlanders of Canada, who had manned Bren Gun posts
on the decks during the battle with the aircraft were
followed now by other men who assisted in rowing the
lifeboats. All the troops of the Eleventh Bde., who were on
the ship, worked ceaselessly assisting the survivors on
board, lending them dry clothes, and finding them something
to drink and a place to sleep. As present writer was one of
the unfortunates, he can well assert that the reception
accorded to the almost 1300 survivors was most admirable.

The Troopship Monterey
World War II Monterey served as a fast troop carrier, often
operating alone so she would not be slowed by formation
navigation in a convoy. The United States Marine Corps
chartered her in 1941 before the US declaration of war to
carry 150 Chinese, Korean and Japanese missionaries and
stranded US citizens back to San Francisco. Once home, she
was quickly refitted to hold 3,500 soldiers. On 16 December
1941 she steamed to Hawaii with 3,349 fresh troops,
returning with 800 casualties of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
On 22 August 1942, the ship was briefly acquired by the
United States Navy for use as a troopship and assigned the
name and designation USS Alameda (AP-68), the second U.S.
Navy ship to bear that name. However, she was returned to
the War Shipping Administration on 25 September 1942 and
thus never served under that name.
War voyage:
8 October 1943 New York to Liverpool with 6,747
troops; on to Gibraltar and Naples in convoy of 43 ships.
The voyage to Naples was her first taste of combat. On 6
November 1943 in an action off Cape Bougaroun, Algeria, 25
aircraft attacked the convoy. Monterey shot down an enemy
bomber which passed over the ship and tore away the radio
mast before crashing into the ocean. In convoy, the Grace
Line troopship Santa Elena was torpedoed and began to sink.
Monterey rescued 1,675 using her boats and nets, taking the
survivors to Naples.
On the 7th
the ship anchored for a
day in Philippeville Harbour, but attempts to transfer the
survivors to another ship were prevented by a heavy sea.
That night the “Santa Elena” was towed into the harbour, but
sank a few hundred yards from safety, almost exactly 24
hours after having been torpedoed.
- It was on the 10 th
of November that the
Regiment finally landed in Naples, and marched behind the
Pipe Band through the bizarre,
filthy streets which were typical of the life in the midst
of which the Unit was to move for almost a year and a half.
- It is amusing to note an entry made in
the War Diary of 16 January: “Our forward Company heard a
‘moaning minnie’ in the distance today.” The time was not
far off when those wailing shells would be heard in our
midst in numbers all too great! Strangely enough, one of our
first casualties was Pipe Major George
Pate, who received a piece of shrapnel in a spot
which prevented him from seating himself with any degree of
comfort for some time.
- On the first of May: While the Regiment
was in the line the pipe band, under
George Pate, had the honour of playing before Lt.
General Freyberg, V.C., K.C.B., D.S.O. and Bar, to whose 2nd
New Zealand Division our Eleventh Brigade was
attached at Cassino.
- After the fall of Rome, trips to the
Eternal City were organized. One of the most important was a
party which proceeded there under the M.O., Captain Bolley,
who had succeeded Capt. Boyden in the previous December. The
group paraded to St. Peter’s and were received in audience
by His Holiness Pope Pius XII, following Mass. On the 1st
of July the Pipe Band
played at the opening of the Canada Club, on the Via
Nazionale in Rome.
- On the evening of the 12th
of September, the officers of the London Irish Regt.
visited our officers to dine with us and wish us luck. Our
pipers under Pipe-Major George Pate,
played airs together with the pipers of the London Irish.
Before leaving, the C.O. and the Company Commanders were
presented by the visiting officers with the blue hackles
which the British Regiment wear in their Caubeens as a part
of their dress. These our officers wore into action that
night, and the hackle has since been adapted as part of our

The Blue Hackle of the I.R. of C.
This was worn above the badge on the RIGHT side of
the caubeen (which is different from a
Scottish Bonnet, for it does not have a toorie on top),
unlike the Irish Fusiliers of Canada, who wore their
badge on the left side like the Scottish regiments do.
- On the night of the 14th of Sept., the
Unit marched once more into San Giovanni, welcomed by
the strains of the Pipes, as
they entered the narrow and dusty streets. The following day
a German Mark IV (Special) Tank rolled into town. It had
been captured intact by our troops, and on its side was
placed a plaque bearing the crests of the 8th N.B.H. and of
the Irish Regiment.

original distinguishing patch for the Irish Regiment of
Canada. The unit didn't end up wearing them (although there
is a picture with someone wearing these patches) .
Most units of the 5th Canadian Div wore distinguishing
patches while in Italy....The Irish were one that didn't
On the 27 th
of December the Regiment
was relieved by the Westminster Regiment, and moved into
Ravenna, where they indulged in Christmas festivities, such
as there were available. The Regimental Dinner was held in a
huge, semi-destroyed building, whose sparse natural comforts
were augmented by all the oil stoves the Unit possessed,
together with a lighting system devised by the ingenious Lt.
Jack Asselstine. There was a lot of turkey, Christmas
Pudding, and Canadian Beer for all, and Gen.Foulkes, the
Corps Commander, Maj.- Gen. Hoffmeister, the Divisional
Commander, and Brigadier Johnson, the Bde. Commander, were
all on hand with greetings for the men who within the year
had become veterans in the tough Italian theatre.

Above are the WWII
pipers of the Irish regiment of Canada leading the battalion
into Ravenna, Italy in 1944.
and Belgium.
On the 10 th
of February Recce Parties
left, shrouded in the utmost secrecy, for destinations
unknown. The Unit followed on the 15th,
on Exercise “Gold-Flake”, bound for they knew not where.
This was the beginning of the tremendous operation which
moved the whole of the 1st
Cdn. Corps to the
North-Western Theater, and gave the Irish one of the finest
trips they had ever enjoyed. The trip to Belgium began from
Cattolica on the Northern Adriatic Coast, on the 15th
of February 1945.
By February 26th,
all the troops were in the camp at Marseilles, and the next
day the long trip through France began. The Regiment
traveled up the Rhone Valley, complete with all their trucks
and equipment, in a secret move which forbade stoppage in
any towns or speaking to civilians. All Division Patches and
Unit identity had been removed, as in preparation for the
Line, but we wore our Irish bonnets as always, perhaps to
confuse whatever agents were about into a belief that a
Regiment from Ireland was on the move.
The first night halt was spent outside
St. Rambert, the second at Macon, and the night of March 1 st
found us on the airport of
Les Laumes. The next night brought us to Melun, and our last
staging area was near Cambrai, on the night of 3rd
March. The following day
we were in Belgium at our destination in the Ypres-
Poperinghe area..During the journey the G.F. (Golf Flake)
Route would take us two hundred miles in a day, sometimes
only ninety, and often a reasonable one hundred and fifty,
but whenever we stopped, usually off the main highway along
a country road, the kitchens would be set up, and soon there
would be a hot meal ready. At nights there was usually a
movie, after which we would curl up under our blankets, out
in the open. The billets into which we were welcomed in
Belgium were clean and very comfortable.
The Regiment was scattered among a number of
small villages which deserve mention for the warm-hearted
welcome the accorded us. Battalion Headquarters and
Headquarters Company were in Oostvleteren, “A” Company was
in Westvleteren, “B” in Reninghe, “C” in Loo, “D” in
Zudyschoote, and Support Company in Woesten.
On March 27 th
the Unit moved up to
Holland on very short notice, and arrived that night in a
concentration area near Nijmegen. Col. Payne had gone ahead
on a recce., and the following day the Battalion moved into
the Line on Nijmegen Island, south of Arnhem, in a holding
role. The actual area was along the Linge Canal around the
villages of Hemmen and Zetten. Ahead lay the Neder Rhine,
flowing past the City of Arnhem which lay on its far bank.
On the 13 th
of April the Belgians
relieved us, and we were moved up to the Rhine facing across
Arnhem, in the area of Elden,
The Unit moved back to Oosterhout, near
Nijmegen, on the 14 th
and the following day set
out for Arnhem, crossing the great pontoon bridge which had
been already erected. After a night spent in the heart of
the deserted and looted city, the Regiment, under Col.
Payne, set out with the remainder of the 5th Division in an
armoured drive in the true sense of the word. It was a swift
drive north from Arnhem to the Zuiderzee, designed to cut
the opposing forces in two. The drive had taken only five

Streekarchivariaat Noordwest-Veluwe, accessnumber 5567
Photographs of (left to right) a piper, a drummer and the
Pipe Major George Pate of the Irish Regiment of Canada.
Taken during the Liberation of Ermelo, April 18th, 1945 on
the corner of Putterweg and Stationsstraat, at Muziektent
"'t Weitje"

Streekarchivariaat Noordwest-Veluwe, accessnumber
Photograph of the of the complete Pipe Band of the Irish
Regiment of Canada during the same public performance on
April 18th, 1945.
The final push to Delfzijl.
The day following the conclusion of the
drive to the Zuider Zee, the Regiment moved over into
Friesland, in the Joure—Sneek area, where they took over
from units of the 3 rd
Division on a wide holding
front, designed to stop up the Frisian end of the Causeway,
the great dyke, which carried a highway across to the
Amsterdam Peninsula. The towns garrisoned were Joure, Sneek,
Lemmer, Makkum, and Stavoren.
The fighting
in that area ended after the surrender of the Germans at
Delfzijl, after which the Regiment moved back to Siddeburen.
The war was over an the 8th, and in Holland it was over on
the 5th when the German troops there surrendered.
After the war.
For awhile the Regiment remained in
Siddeburen, where they dis armed after the message arrived
which read: “Cancel all offensive operations forthwith and
cease fire at 050800B”. Further detail later.” The ending of
the war on our front was swiftly followed by the Germans’
complete collapse, and with the Dutch civilians we joined in
rather provincial celebrations which included the burning of
effigies on a great bonfire, and in gala parades. From
Siddeburen we moved in Groningen, on 2 nd
June. This move followed a
Divisional March Past, Exercise “Finale”, aptly named, in
which the 5th
Armoured Division, in all
its glory, drove past General Crerar, the Army Commander, at
Groningen. During this period detachments of the Unit were
dispatched to the Sneek area to Guard Prisoners who were
constructing the camps through which the main body of
Germans then in the Amsterdam area would pass on the long
trek home.
On the 5 th
of June the Regiment moved
to Heerenveen with “B” and “C” Company’s in Joure. Capt.
Rowland M.C. held his final Memorial Service in Heerenveen
on the 1st
of July, and soon after left for
home himself. The Unit settled down to wait for the call to
the ships.

the Irish Regiment Pipe Band at Band
Practice, Heerenveen.

The Green Bonnet monthly
A monthly magazine, the “Green Bonnet”,
was begun under Major Wood, and Supervisor Brett has
organized his facilities to provide movies, dancing, and a
dry canteen. During our stay in Heerenveen several marriages
occurred between men of the Regiment and Dutch girls, one of
which was solemnized in the Parish Church between Corporal Mackenzie and a girl of Groningen. Also there occurred a
tragedy when Major Charles Gordon and Sgt.Volkes died as a
result of jeep accident. Services were held on October 18 in
the Parish Church and the remains were interred at Groningen
in the 5th Division cemetery.
See the same below, from the War

Corporal McKenzie of the Y.M.C.A. was married to Miss Berendina Pluim of
Groningen (Photograph on the Left) as was a
soldier of the Royal
Irish Regiment (Photograph on the Right)
From the RIR War Diaries:
October 16, 1945
Cpl. McKenzie of
the YMCA was married to Miss Berendina Pluim of Groningen in
the Reformed Church of Heerenveen. A reception was held in
the Green Hackle Club after the ceremony. Major N. Hickling
and Capt. J.L. Watson attended the service. H/Capt. G.D.
Petrie officiated and Major G.J. Wood was at the organ.

Pte. Burling sounded Last Post and Reveille
From the RIR War Diaries:
October 18, 1945
The funeral services for
Major Gordon and Sgt. Volks were held today in the Reformed
Church. The funeral procession formed upon the main street
at 1020 hrs. The flag draped caskets were carried on
trailers drawn by jeeps. The procession was led by the
firing party from “A” Company,
followed by the Pipe Band and the bearers. The men of
“A” Company lined the route on either side. The Church
Service was conducted by H/Capt. Petrie. At the conclusion
of the service a guard was mounted over the bodies until
1300 hrs when the cortege proceeded to Groningen for the
graveside service at 5 Cdn Armd Div (Temporary) Cemetery. At
the burial service, Pte. Burling sounded Last Post and
Reveille and the Pipe Band played
Lament. There were numerous floral tributes from
civilian friends and from organizations within the Regiment.
Weather—Fair and warm.

Irish on the march in Heerenveen

Canadian soldiers help the dutch farmers with
stocking wheat
14 Juli:
the Irish Regt. & C.B.H. pipe bands play for Prince Bernhard at
farewell to the B.S. Leeuwarden

On his birthday, H.R.H.
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands is escorted by the
Commander of the Cape Breton Highlanders, T. S. Sommerville,
during the final inspection of the B.S.

The combined (5th.
Division) pipe bands of the Irish Regiment and Cape breton
Highlanders of Canada arrive on the Wilhelminaplein

H.R.H. Prince Bernhard
of the Netherlands, escorted by CBH Commander
T.S.Sommerville, greeting the B.S. (Dutch Resistance) at
their farewell parade

The combined (5th. Canadian Armoured
Division) pipe
bands of the Irish Regiment and Cape breton Highlanders of
Canada playing for the march-past of the B.S.
September 1945: Irish Regt. and CBH - Mounting 11th. Brigade
- September 9, 1945:
The Brigade Guard, consisting of 36 Other Ranks,
under the Command of Lieut. H.B.Perkins, mounted
at Leeuwarden this afternoon. The Commanding
Officer watched the mounting which was an
impressive and colourful affair and a great
delight to the local citizens. The Pipe Band
played throughout the ceremony.

11 Infantry Brigade Officers during the Crerar visit:
L. to R.: O. in C. The Irish Regt. of Can.: Lt.Col. L.H.C. Payne,
Commander 11th. Can. Inf. Bde.: Brig. E.S. Johnston, General Crerar,
O. in C. The Cape Breton Highlanders: Lt. –Col. T.S. Somerville, O. in
C. The Perth Regt.: Lt. –Col. M.W. Andrew.

9 September 1945:
The combined pipe bands of the Royal Irish regiment of Canada and the
Cape Breton Highlanders
at the Mounting of the
11th. Brigade Guard-Leeuwarden

9 September 1945:
The combined pipe bands of the Royal Irish regiment of Canada and the
Cape Breton Highlanders
at the Mounting of the
11th. Brigade Guard-Leeuwarden

The regimental newsletter "The Green Bonnet"
August 1945 (see cover
above here), printed in Heerenveen, Friesland,
featured an article on the Irish Regiment of Canada's Pipe Band:

The Green Bonnet - August 1945
On the opposite page we are publishing one of the last
pictures of the Pipe Band, as it moved off to pipe the Irish
to the Memorial Service held recently in Heerenveen. At as
head is the capable Pipe-Major George Pate, whose tireless
leadership has brought the band renown and acknowledgment
throughout all our campaigns.
On every occasion the skirl of the pipes has lent both
dignity and colour to the event, whether it happened to be a
Royal Guard, a visit from a General Officer, or a mounting
of the Battalion Guard on town squares scattered from
Altamura to Ravenna and from Westvleteren to Heerenveen. The
pipes led the Irish Regiment of Canada through the streets
of Naples as they landed in Italy, and greeted them as
veteran soldiers marching along the road which led from
Coriano into San Giovanni.
The shrill lament of the pipes rose from many an Italian
field as yet another Irish soldier came to his last rest,
even as in more lilting measures "The Wearing of the Green"
had led him to his first Battalion Parade. Although the band
is smaller now than in the glorious days when it joined the
pipers of the London Irish, and marched proudly through
dusty San Giovanni, still the sound of the pipe band,
calling the Irish Regiment of Canada to parade, holds an
immeasurable thrill for those of us who have woven the
strains of the pipes into the most treasured memories of our
unforgettable days in the Regiment!
Are any of your Irish pals at home now, or serving elsewhere?
Send them a "Green Bonnet" Available each month, complete
with envelope.
Price: One Guilder. On sale at Y.M.C.A.

A traditional Friesian blue plate from , made
in Makkum 1945,
in honour of the Irish regiment of Canada.
Here follows the
description from the Battle Diaries of the Irish Regiment of
Canada's move back to Toronto, via Great Britain and New
November 1, 1945 Heerenveen
It is strongly rumoured that the Div will
begin to move from Holland 1 Dec. We may reasonably expect
to leave about 6 Dec. Weather—cloudy and cool
November 11, 1945
Today the Battalion held a memorial
service in the local church with our new Padre, H/Capt. J.M.
Anderson, MC, officiating. All Coys sent parties to various
cemeteries throughout Holland to place wreaths on the graves
of our Irish dead. “B” Coy went to Otterloo, HQ and A Coys
to Groningen and C and D to Wollendorp. In all 26 graves
were visited. Weather—fair and cool
November 12, 1945
This morning the Battalion held a “dress
rehearsal” for the forthcoming inspection by Gen Simonds.
This will be, in all probability, our last formal parade in
Holland. Weather—cloudy and cool
November 13, 1945
A quiet day with the whole Battalion
blanco-ing web and shining brass in preparation for
tomorrow’s inspection. The Irish Basketball team scored a
victory over Bde HQ in Leeuwarden. Our Officers’ and OR’s
Volleyball teams are tied for second place in the Bde
league. Weather—cloudy and mild
November 14, 1945
Lt-Gen. G.G. Simonds, G.O.C. in C., CFN.,
visited the Battalion this morning. He inspected each Coy in
turn and then talked to the men for about ten minutes,
explaining the system of repatriation, the shipping system
and the probable date of return. He thanked the men of the
Regiment for the splendid way they supported the Victory
Loan and wished them success and good luck on their return
to civilian life. Gen Simonds was accompanied by Brig. I.S.
Johnson, and Lt-Col. Somerville. This evening a farewell
party was held for the Officers of the Bde at the Bde HQ
Mess. Weather—fair and cool
November 15, 1945
This morning the men said goodbye to
their rifles for the last time. All Arms were turned in to
the QM to be packed away for shipment.
November 16, 1945
Today the Regiment received more good
news. Our date for departure has been further advanced. The
Div will start to move on the 26 Nov and must clear the
Continent by 1 Dec. This means that we should be on the move
by the 29 Nov. Weather—cloudy and cool
November 21, 1945
The Adjutant and the QM attended a meeting
at Div HQ to discuss “A” and “Q” plans for the Div move. It
is now definitely settled that the Irish will start to move
on 30 Nov. Weather—fair and cold
November 22, 1945
The Commanding Officer and Major W.S. Elder,
MC, attended a meeting at Bde HQ presided over by Brig.
Rutherford who spoke about the organization of the Repat
Depots in England. Weather—cloudy and mild
November 23, 1945
All Unit vehicles were inspected and
classified by a RCEME team prior to final turnin. A large
group of low-pointers proceeded to Groningen en-route to
November 24, 1945
A “Farewell to Holland” dinner was held this
evening in the Officers’ Mess, arranged by Capt. H.G.
Herman. Irish “expatriates” present included Major Tom
Popplewell, Capt. Jack Hanley, Capt. S.C. Bell and Lt. R.
Michener..Weather—Cloudy and mild
November 26, 1945
A quiet uneventful day with preparations for
the move going apace. Major Elder, and Capt. Charette
returned from Hilversum. Lt. G. Mullins returned from Div HQ.
All vehicles were grounded prior to turn-in to the Demob
Vehicle Park. Weather—fair and cool
November 28, 1945
Capt. B. Sandwell and Lt. R. Roberts
returned from HQ 11 CIB bringing our officer roster up to
full strength. Capt. Turner, Lt. Haines, and Sgt.s Kehl and
Burkholder left for 4Bn Nijmegen as our Bn advance party.
Lt. Haines returned later in the day with information about
the camp. He was informed that we would be going to No.9
Repat Depot near Haselmere. Weather - cool with showers
November 30, 1945
At 0240 hrs the long awaited signal was
given and the first TCV moved off in the direction of
Groningen. The last fond farewell was said and the convoy
disappeared into the night. At 0500 hrs the convoy drew up
in front of the main station at Groningen, the troops
debussed and were guided to their coaches by the RTO staff.
After a long and cold journey in a dilapidated German train
via Appeldoorn and Utrecht, we arrived at Nijmegen about
1530 hrs. We were marched to our billets at 4Bn, the
Officers in the main building and the OR.s in Nissen huts.
December 1, 1945 Nijmegen
After breakfast all ranks were paraded to
the Paymaster for delivery of currency and the Post Office
to order cigarettes for delivery in England. The OR’s were
inspected by the MO. In the afternoon there was a final
muster parade at which time every man’s name was called from
the new nominal roll. We received the disappointing news
that we would not be moving that night but would probably
pull out on Sunday. Weather—cloudy and mild
December 2, 1945
This morning we got the further news that
we would not be leaving for Ostend tonight but would be
obliged to move across to the Leave transit camp to make
room at 4 Bn for the drafts moving up behind us. At 1800 hrs
the TCV’s arrived and we were driven to the most
uncomfortable quarters we have ever occupied since our
fighting days. However, everyone accepted the situation with
good grace and we settled down for what we hoped would be
our last night in Holland. Weather—Fair and mild
December 3, 1945
Still another setback today. The Trains
were to crowded to accommodate us so our departure was again
postponed. However, good meals and plenty of entertainment
kept the men in good spirits. Weather—warm with rain
December 4, 1945
This morning we were given definite
assurance that we were to move this evening. At about 1600
hrs the TCV’s arrived and we were driven down to the RE
siding. The train which was waiting for us was an English
one and, although crowded, was immensely more comfortable
than the old German one which had taken us from Groningen to
Nijmegen. At about 1900 hrs we started off, crossed the
Dutch frontier for the last time and headed toward Ostend.
Weather—Fair and warm
December 5, 1945 Ostend and Dover
At about 0300 hrs we arrived at Ostend.
At the transit camp we were given a hot meal and managed to
snatch a couple of hours’ sleep. In the morning the rolls
were checked and we were marched to the quayside where the
Channel Steamer was waiting. The crossing was something most
of us would prefer to forget. The seas were mountainous and
at least half our personnel were obliged to sacrifice all
the nourishment they had taken aboard during the last 24 hrs.
When we arrived at Dover those of us who could still eat
were given a huge hot meal at the Transit Mess and then
herded into two special trains which were to take us to our
final destination. Weather—cloudy and cool
December 6, 1945 Haslemere
At 0100 hrs we arrived at Haslemere and
conveyed in 3 tonners to No9 Repat Depot, our base of
Operations in England. None of us were very pleased with
what we found when we arrived; a low stench of scrubby
forest, miles from anywhere. Damp, chilly Nissen huts and
not a pub in sight. Only the knowledge that we were on our
way home kept our spirits up. In the morning the entire
Battalion were paraded before Lt-Col. A.J.A. Baxter ED, O.C
“B” Wing, who outlined the procedure followed in the Repat
Depot and described the “Sausage Machine” through which all
of us would have to pass for checking and documentation.
Col. Baxter told us all about leave which will be from the 8 th
Dec to the 17th
Dec. From there we proceed
to the Paymaster, N.O.,S.P.O., etc. Arrangements were made
for those who wished to spend their 30-days leave in England
and all sorts of personal problems were ironed out. In the
evening a film was shown in the Camp Cinema. Weather—Cloudy
and Cool
December 7, 1945
The whole morning was taken up with
further documentation and a mail and cigarette parade. The
Officers trunks arrived from trunk storage in Aldershot
where they had been stored since we first left for the
Continent. In the evening a live show was staged in the Camp
Theatre. Weather—Cloudy and Cool
December 8, 1945
Early in the morning the whole Battalion
were paraded in alphabetical order for the issue of leave
passes and travel warrants. At about 1000 hrs the TCV’s
pulled out and we were driven to Croyden underground
station, where the troops dispersed to their various leave
destinations. Weather—Cloudy and cool
December 20, 1945
Another quiet day. The men’s kit was
turned in to pack stores prior to leave. Warrants and Leave
Passes were prepared. Lt. R.T. Homewood left the draft to
proceed home on Industrial Repat. Weather—Fair and cool
December 21, 1945
This morning the troops were moved to new
quarters to make the distribution of the unit more compact.
After lunch, all personnel going on leave were driven to
Haslemere station to entrain for their various destinations.
Major G.J. Wood left the Regiment to proceed home on special
Repat in order that he may take a position as lecturer in
English at the University of New Brunswick. Lt. H.B. Perkins
left on Industrial Repat. Weather—Cloudy and Cool
December 22 to December 28, 1945
Battalion on leave.
December 29, 1945
With all ranks back from leave, kit was
withdrawn from stores, cigarettes were issues and the men
went through medical and dental inspections. Weather—Cold
with rain
December 30, 1945
No Parades today, except a muster roll
call. A good many men took advantage of the recreational
transport to visit nearby towns. The Canadian Army Show,
“Rhythm Radio” was well attended by Irish personnel. A small
group of Officers held a dinner party at the Crown Hotel in
Chittingfold. Weather—Cloudy and cool
December 31, 1945
The Padre, H/Capt. G.D. Petrie, gave a
lecture to the troops on Rehabilitation problems and a rehab
film was shown in the camp theatre. The Regiment has been
granted a further short leave from 2 Jan to 4 Jan. Our
availability date has been defiantly set at 8 Jan. We hope
to embark on the Queen Elizabeth on that date. During the
evening several members of the Sergeants Mess and some
personnel from the Pipe Band, all of whom shall remain
nameless, organized a parade which invaded the Officers
Mess, The C.O.’s quarters and various other places of
interest. Otherwise, the last night of 1945 was celebrated
fairly quietly, with everyone’s thoughts concentrated on the
future than the present. Weather—cloudy and cool
January 5, 1946
All ranks returned from leave and final
preparations are underway for the last stage of the long
trip. We are to leave for Southampton on Monday morning 7
Jan. to embark on the Queen Elizabeth, sailing 9 Jan. All
hold baggage was turned in today for loading aboard the
transport. Weather—cloudy and cool
January 6, 1946
Final medical and dental inspections
completed, baggage checks issued and all preparations
complete for our departure.

RMS Queen Elizabeth
Details on the
R.M.S. Queen Elizabeth
Gross Tonnage - 83,673 tons - Dimensions -
300.94 x 36.14m (987.4 x 118.6ft)
Number of funnels - 2 - Number of masts - 2 - Construction -
Propulsion - Quadruple screw - Engines - Single reduction
steam turbines
Service speed - 29 knots - Builder - John Brown & Co Ltd,
Launch date - 27 September 1938
Passenger accommodation - 823 1st class, 662 cabin class,
798 tourist class
In 1942 the Admiralty drew up plans to convert the two
Queens into aircraft carriers but these were later abandoned
as it was considered that their troop carrying role was too
In April 1942 the Queen Elizabeth relocated from Sydney to
New York. Here the troop accommodation was altered to make
its capacity 10,000. In June 1942 it began to make voyages
from New York to Gourock and then to Suez, via Cape Town. In
August it began a shuttle service between New York and Gourock. Despite the ever present threat of U-boats the ship
continued its service unscathed, although the German press
stated that a U-boat had hit the vessel with a torpedo on 11
November. By the end of the war in Europe the Queens had
brought over a million troops to the war zone. The ship's
next duty was to repatriate these troops and redeploy troops
for the war against Japan. The repatriation of American
troops continued until October 1945 when the Queen Elizabeth
was released from US service and allocated to the
repatriation of Canadian troops. On 6 March 1946 it arrived
back in Southampton and was released from Government service
as the need for troop movements had diminished. During the
war it had carried over 750,000 troops and travelled 500,000
January 7, 1946
Reveille at 0230hrs., breakfast at 0300
hrs, final clean up of huts and quarters. The Battalion
paraded at 0400 hrs for issue of embarkation cards. We
boarded the special train at Haslemere at 0618 and arrived
Southampton about 0830 hrs. No time was lost in boarding the
Queen Elizabeth where we have been selected to perform the
Provost Duties. The Officers and men were all berthed in
cabins on the upper decks, crowded but reasonably
comfortable. Lunch was served at noon—the best meal we had
tasted for some considerable time (Xmas and New Year’s
excepted) Officers and NCO’s were selected for various
duties aboard the ship which is due to sail on 9 Jan. at
1400 hrs. Weather—Cloudy and mild
January 8, 1946 Aboard Ship
A quiet day on board with the ship still
moored in Southampton harbour. Provost Duties were begun
with the Irish men secreted in every corner of the ship to
prevent smoking in “unauthorized places.” All day drafts and
units filed up the gangplanks— almost all of 5 Div and a
large part of 4 Div were aboard by evening. Weather—cloudy
and cool
January 9, 1946
The last Canadian troops were aboard by
noon and just before sailing time, Mr Winston Churchill and
party arrived. Very few of the troops had a chance to see
the EXP. M., except the men on Provost Duty near the
gangplank. Capt. J.C. Turner managed to snap a picture of
“Winnie” just as he was getting in the elevator. At 1400 hrs.
the ship weighed anchor, and slipped out of Southampton
Harbour in the teeth of a rising gale which, for a time, had
threatened our departure. By evening the ship was wallowing
in a very angry sea; and a good many passengers had begun to
wonder if it was all worthwhile. Weather—Cold and Stormy
January 10, 1946
well out to sea, everyone trying to
adjust himself to the monotony of a crowded ship, with
nothing to do and only two meals a day to fill in the time.
The first lifeboat drill was held, which forced a good many
people on deck who might otherwise never have left the
seclusion of their cabins. Weather—Fair and cool
January 11, 1946
A completely uneventful day. Normal
ship’s routine. Weather—Cloudy and Cool
January 12, 1946
Today we encountered a bad storm with a
head wind of gale proportions. The master was obliged to
reduce our speed drastically in order to avoid having the
ship to badly buffeted by the mountainous seas. We just
seemed to be holding our own against the gale.
Weather—Stormy and cold
January 13, 1946
This afternoon, Mr. Churchill addressed
all troops aboard the ship, over the Public Address System.
The Opposition Leader paid tribute to the contribution of
the Canadian Forces in winning the war. He made special
mention of the dark days of 1940 when the First Canadian
Infantry Division was the only fully armed and equipped
formation in England, after the debacle at Dunkirk. Weather—Cloudy
and Cool
January 14, 1946
Owing to Saturday’s storm the ship will
not dock in New York Harbour until 2000 hrs. and Canadian
troops will not begin to disembark until Tuesday morning. At
about 1600 hrs the northern tip of Long Island was sighted
off the Starboard bow. At 1800 hrs we entered New York
Harbour, passed the Statue of Liberty and slid quietly up
the Manhattan side of the river. The sight of downtown
Manhattan with its myriad of lights was a rare thrill for
the lads who had become used to the halfhearted illumination
of European Capitals. By 2100 hrs. the ship was moored at
the Cunard-White Star Pier and a Negro jazz band was
entertaining the troops at the quayside. Major Elder, MC,
Sgt. Napper, Cpl. Bellinger, and Pte. Ridler, MM,
disembarked to be interviewed by the Canadian and American
Newsmen in the Customs Shed. Weather—Fair and cool
January 15, 1946
At 2000 hrs, the Battalion mustered on
the Promenade deck, and stood for about two hours while an
incompetent and muddleheaded group of officials struggled
through the intricacies of calling a roll and issuing
railway accommodation cards. Fortunately the American Red
Cross were on hand with gallons of hot coffee and baskets of
doughnuts. Finally the Battalion was crowded aboard one of
the Hudson River Ferries and across to the Jersey side where
we boarded the special train for Toronto. No sleeping
accommodation was provided but there were comfortable
air-conditioned day coaches. H/Capt. “Dave” Rowland MC, met
in New York with information about the Civic reception which
will be tendered us in Toronto at the Coliseum. Weather—Cool
and Fair
January 16, 1946
After a soul satisfying Canadian
breakfast, most of the morning was spent in spit-andpolish.
We travelled up through Pennsylvania and New York State and
crossed the Boarder at Niagara Falls. Leave passes, travel
warrants, suit priority coupons, etc, were distributed to
all ranks. At about 1500 hrs. the train pulled in to the
special siding behind the Coliseum and the Companies formed
up beside the Colour Party drawn from the 2 nd
Battalion and 1st
Battalion Vets. With the
pipes playing the Regiment marched into the Coliseum and
formed up in mass; surrounded by admiring friends and
relatives. After short addresses of welcome by the Mayor of
Toronto and the Officers Commanding M.D.2 and a reply by
Col. G.C.A. Macartney, the Colours were marched off, and the
Battalion was dismissed for the last time.
Thanks to Clifford Weirmeir,
for the use of material from his splendid website about
the Irish
regiment of Canada;
please do click on the I.R. of C. Pipers' Collar Badges below to
go there.
